

Without protein our body cannot function properly.

Our body nerves, tissues, bones all are made up of proteins. So proteins become very necessary for them to grow and repair. It also used to produce some hormones and enzymes in our body .proteins are made up of amino acids. Our body produces non essential amino acids and also requires the essential amino acids which we take from the food. Amino acids are present in the proteins.

Our best sources of outside protein do not come from animal products. If you research the journals and the books by experts such as John McDougall, M.D., Neal Bernard, M.D., Joel Fuhrman, M.D., T. Colin Campbell, PhD., and many others, you will discover that the best sources of protein for human health, without the excess fat, cholesterol, chemicals, animal protein and calories, come from plant foods.

It's hard to believe that plant foods contain enough protein for human health.

One more logical question to ask yourself when you are wondering whether or not you are getting enough protein: "Where do some of our great, big, strong mammals get their protein for growth and maintenance for their muscles and bones?"

Do elephants eat chicken? Do cows eat cows? Do horses eat fish? Do apes eat cheese? Do giraffes eat eggs?

Of course not.

These animals grow and maintain large muscles and thrive by eating plant foods and not even a huge variety at that.


The recommended daily value for protein is about 50 grams for a 2000 calorie diet, which you could easily hit by combining a couple of protein sources per meal: beans and rice, whole grain cereal in soy or nut milk, or broccoli and whole wheat pasta.

Protein Source's
* beans – 7-10 grams per half cup (cooked)
* tofu – 2.3 grams per half ounce
* peanut butter – 8 grams per 2 Tablespoons
* almonds – 8 grams per 1/4 cup
* peanuts – 9 grams per 1/4 cup
* cashews – 5 grams per 1/4 cup
* flax seeds – 8 grams per 1/4 cup
* brown rice – 3 grams per 4 ounces
* quinoa – 4.5 grams per 1/2 cup
* baked potato – 2.5 grams
* cooked broccoli – 7 grams per half cup
* peas – 8 grams per half cup
* corn – 5 grams per 1 cup